Monday, March 10, 2008

Another day.

A quick update for you.. I thank Sherri for keeping up the blog, her writing is so good. I am now in my 3ed cycle of Temador, 200 mg day for 21 days. I am scheduled for a MRI on the 26th of March, and feel very confident that it will be clean with no evidence of regrowth.. seem that with most GBM patients, they are fine as log a they keep taking the Temador.. I am getting a little carry over nausea during the days sometimes, by my Zofran works excellent for that (as it should for $25.00 a tablet. I nap in the afternoons, and that along with walking if helping the fatigue.. (Sherri and I and our dogs did 4.5 miles on Saturday)

My love to all and keep those positive vibes coming.. they really are working!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Richard, More positive, upbeat energy and vibes going your way. So glad to hear that you are out walking, and able to get some exercise. It is so good for the mental and physical being. Keep up the good work. Love, Peace and Hope, Michele