Tuesday, September 25, 2007

After a very "onely" night!!!

Today is a HUGE day for Richard and I. We will begin our trip south to Seattle where we will make some decisions regarding choosing a medical team who will help us on this journey. I am painfully aware of how important this choice is and at times feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of asking the right questions, listening carefully to the answers, being in touch with my inner feelings, putting aside fear and letting my brain work it's hardest, and listening to the family that we will have with us. Most importantly, I will be watching and listening to Richard.....tuning in to his own desires and wishes....trying to support him in the best way possible.

I have NEVER had tears so close to the surface. While I admit to being an "emotional" being I can't say I cry very often. This past week....tears are very close....and while I have been told that my tears will only upset Richard, at times crying feels like the most appropriate thing to do. It almost feels like a way to be honoring my love for him and also of honoring the greatness of this man I am married to. I don't think anyone knows how to do this. We are all dong the best we can.

We are taking with us the love and support of so many beautiful friends and family members. We have been deeply touched by the words of love, the encouragement, the gifts, the calls of blessings, the meals, the hugs. We know that Richard and I and our family are being held tenderly by so many. That has only given us more strength. Thank you so much.

We will keep you informed. We are full of love for so many. We are truly our blessings,

With love,



Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

Sherri.... I have mailed away a small care package for you and Richard...

My prayers, thoughts, and sincere wishes for peace and light are with you both at this time...

You will be missed at Art and Soul....

Please keep us informed on Richards condition

Tracie Lyn

Anonymous said...

Sherri and Richard,

I read your post, and immediately knew I had to reply. But now I sit here, my fingers resting on the keyboard, I am unsure of what to say. Of course there are the usuals, "I am so sorry for what you are going through", "You are both in my thoughts and prayers." Both of which are true, but neither of which capture fully the extent of what I feel and think. I can tell you that I know you'll get through this ok, but I don't know that, so that would be a dishonor. I guess I could say that everything is going to be alright, because that is in a sense, true. We both know that the truth of who you are cannot be damaged by what you are going through. However, that truth can feel as hollow as a chocolate easter bunny, in the face of such challenges.

I guess all I have to offer you is this. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I am here. If you ever need an ear to hear your frustrations, I am here. If you ever just need to remember that you are not alone, I am here. If you ever forget for even just a moment, that you are loved, I am here. And if you ever feel as though you cannot go on, I am here. I am here with you always, and in All Ways whenever, wherever you need me.

And just remember, I am only 20 minutes away from Seattle on weeknights after 10pm and weekends between 10am and 7pm. All other times, due to traffic, I am only 45 minutes away from Seattle!

Remeber to take care of yourself, as well as Richard.

Love and Blessings,

Arianne (Holiday Retreat 2006)