Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Decision Day

Sherri and Pam taking notes preparing for the doctor to arrive.

Richard feeling good .

After consultation, Starbucks meeting (with Pam, my sister and Scott, my brother in law).

Decision has been made.

OK, it's done. After meeting with two wonderful physicians, the surgery to remove the tumor is scheduled for 8:40 AM tommorow! Both of men who will rid me of this suprise that came into my life only a week ago have given all of us courage and hope. I am feeling good physically and have a strong belief that all will be well in the near future. How could it not be with so much love and support coming from all of you. I want to thank you all for comeing here and following this journey with us. I have a strong belief that energy if the foundation of our reality, and your contribution and loving regard are a help tho us. Here are some shots from the Swedish Neuroscience Instutute. Sherri will continue to blog with updates.

Today was a HUGE day for us. I'm so happy that Richard, Pam, Scott and I feel so confident about the two doctors that will be doing Richard's surgery. When they walked into the room I could see Richard literally relax. The light surrounding his face started to glow......and I knew we were in good hands. I know that 8:40 a.m. is going to come very quickly and I'm anticipating that kissing Richard good-bye will be the very hardest part of the whole thing, we feel so positive and sure. Already...I have learned an incredible amount (could that be why this is happening????). My beautiful partner is going to have brain surgery tomorrow. I will put his care in someone elses hands and I will trust them.

Please....send Richard your prayers and thoughts tomorrow. Thank you for being so very kind to us. We love you all!!!!




Anonymous said...

Sherri and Richard,

I have never commented on anyone's blog or "chatted" at all before. But I knew that I had to respond to this beautiful site that the two of you have created. Sherri: you have made such a difference in my life through the classes I have had with you that I am compelled to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Richard: I've only met you once- and quite fleetingly at that. You came to pick Sherri up at the store after one of our classes had finished this past spring. All we said to each other was "Hello", but I could instantly tell from the warmth of your voice and the kindness in your eyes that you are truly one of the Good people here on this earth. My heart and thoughts will be with you tonight and throughout the day tomorrow.
Most sincerely and with all good wishes, Bonnie Gregory

deb did it said...

Sherri & Richard,

Candles are lit.
Moon has been spoken to.
Loving thoughts, prayers and continued healing thoughts and hope have been gathered all around for you
Thank you for sharing with us your most intimate battles, triumphs and decisions.
We are all holding you.
love and light, Deb

zgetme said...

I will send all the positive thoughts I have to be with you both this morning.
Plenty of hugs and kisses will ease the hard times.

love you both,


Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

SHerri... Gail was so sweet to keep me updated on Richard and his decision to have surgery.

I was thinking of you all yesterday hoping the operation was a success!!!

Blessings to you both... much peace and light!

Anonymous said...

Sherri and Richard,

Just want you to know that we're thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way. The medical team sounds awesome, and I'm sure they'll do their best!

And don't forget, if you need anything at all don't hesitate to call and let us know. We love you both!

Joe and Karen

Anonymous said...

I have never met your husband but I have always heard how wonderful he is to you and your family. When Jodee told us about the crisis in your life it was during holy holidays of the jewish faith where we pray for a good life in the coming year.(thats a real simplification ) I prayed for good health and strength for you and your husband Richard. Jodee had originally said that the tumor was inoperable so Im glad to hear that surgery is possible and I pray for its success. Never give up hope in situations like this. I will continue to read your updates.
I send you tons of good wishes and hugs.
Sharlene Calvo