Saturday, November 1, 2008


Walking, walking, walking. It is something I do for myself and our dogs. I do it often...maybe just to clear my mind....but mostly to clear my spirit. One day this week as I walked in the park across the street, the dogs running off leash, scampering everwhere, doing their doggie thing, I had a blessed moment. I looked up and I saw a beautiful maple tree....shining with a bright yellow glory. It's leaves were spread out perfectly so that they canopied over my head and I could see each individual one. This bright golden yellow lace was set in front of a huge everygreen tree. The contrast between colors caused me to pause and look up at the magnificence of the pallette that surrounded me.

I became breathless....and then the most amazing thing happened....I felt tears come to my eyes. I was so moved. For many moments I stopped and let the tears flow. I felt like I was being bathed in the wonder of nature. I could still experience the gentleness of it's finest stroke against the bolder stroke of the evergreens. I could still smell the beauty of the cool air as everything prepares for winter's coming. I could still feel my heart beat as I was surrounded by the wisdom of the changing seasons. I could still experience my own inner rythym that automatically matches that of nature. And I could feel my spirit soar as it danced with all the beauty.

Having illness always around me...all the time...sometimes I feel like being hopeful and tending to my family is all I can do right now. It's hard to find my own colorful pallette, my own warmth and whimsy. But, I learned during my walk, that all I need to do is pause and look. I can easily find the glory again.


Runner Gurl said...

Just beautiful. I felt like I could almost see it thru your words.


deb did it said...

Beautiful moment. I can see the tree. I can feel you. Go grab a box of colors and a paint, no glue, no scissors, just ol fashion Crayolas! and color indoors what you felt outside!!

Anonymous said...

+You have such a wonderful talent at being able to describe what you're seeing, hearing, feeling and touching. It makes me feel as if I'm there with you and sharing those moments with you. Stay strong and know that you have a choir of angels surrounding you.

Lisa A.