Saturday, February 9, 2008

Time goes on and on.....

Before I know it....weeks have gone by and I realize that my writing has been ignored totally. I feel so strongly about keeping everyone informed of Richard's have all done so much for us...I feel like I want to communicate with everyone as much as I can. But then glorious life seems to happen, time seems to fly and my days get all lumped up. It's such a busy world....even fighting and beating brain cancer can't seem to slow it down!!!

I sit here, at my computer, listening to the rain and also listening to my precious cat's purr as she sits next to me nudging me to keep working and to take intermittent breaks to pet her and take a deep breath. My animals seem to remind me of the important things...stopping, attending, breathing, looking into eyes not just looking at whole faces. They often seem to be my best teachers. I am grateful that they don't lose patience with my stubborness regarding learning to slow down and do the important things.

Richard is laying down....he takes lots of time during our weekends to rest. I am so pleased that he feels well enough to work as much as he is. I know it is sosososo important to him. I support him everyday as he walks out that door because I know that at work he feels successful, important, needed, valued. All of that is so wonderful for him right now. But I am also so thankful for our time at home together. I keep myself busy in my studio while he rests....but his spirit seems to fill the house....I can touch his means the world to me to just have him near.
I feel teary today as I write this...I don't know why...honestly...the tears don't seem to have a logic or a predictableness to their arrival...they just come. When I'm home and alone...I let them come. I've never let that happen before. But this time, now, it seems so important...that I even welcome my moments of reflection, tears, fullness, emotions. Slowly, over the past five months, I have learned that the tears will stop and that often I will be left with a re-welling of strength and focus. That is good. That is something to not be afraid of.

On the whole I think Richard is doing fabulously with his chemotherapy. He is starting his second week of his second month and the side effects seem to be tolerable. The fatigue is the hardest thing for him to deal with....mainly because it is such a different type of tired for him. But he is learning that resting, napping, sitting does help....and so he is letting himself do that. His appetite has also been strange lately...nothing seems appealing at times. But I can be a very creative cook....and his Mom tempts him with her precious comfort foods. Between the two of us....Rick is eating!!!!!

The biggest news for Richard is that he's joined a motorcycle group called, "Bikers Fighting Cancer". At first Richard was hesitant....but he was invited to one of their meetings and he has continued to communicate with some of the members. They are so beautifully supportive...I can't believe it. I am so thankful for their tender e-mails and words of encouragement. They're wonderful people and would drop everything if Richard needed them. They've asked Richard to take a motorcycle trip with them in August to a HUGE motorcycle rally in Sturgis, North Dakota. I believe that Richard is planning on joining them. I think that is sosososo awesome!!! (No I will not be going with him......I've ridden across Montana once on a butt and I will NEVER do that again!!!! Anyway....this feels like a guy event!!! I'm thrilled for him!)

Here is a picture of our sweet cat, Mia. As you can tell....our life here on East Maplewood is pretty comfortable for all of us!!!!

We love you all!!!!

Blessings, Sherri

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