Monday, May 26, 2008

Richard's Update

I'm writing this post for Sherri and Richard, since they have been at Swedish Hospital in Seattle for the past few days. They wanted everyone to know about the recent events that have unfolded. On Saturday, Sherri had to take Richard to our local ER becuase he was experiencing a high level of pain in his head. The doctors there could not find the cause and felt he should go back down to Swedish Hospital where he was originally treated. By the time he arrived, it had become apparent that Richard was developing a serious infection. Within two hours he was in emergency surgery. The surgery showed that the infection had made its way into the bone above his right temporal lobe. The bone was removed and cultures were taken to determine the cause of the infection which they are still awaiting the results for. Richard is now in intensive care recieving a number of antibiotics to treat the infection as well as medication to try and control his pain. The hope is to return home later this week with IV antibiotics for the next six weeks. In about 2 months he will have to undergo another surgery to have a metal plate placed in the same spot from where the bone was previously taken.I will continue to keep everyone updated on Richard's progress as I recieve more information. Please keep both Richard and Sherri in your prayers during this difficult time...

Update By: Betsey


Anonymous said...

Richard and Sherri, Praying Praying and Praying. Praying for peace, quick reasponse to the antibiotics, comfort and calmness. You both are of strong, fighting characters and you will get through this. Know many are keeping you both close in healing prayers. Love, Peace, and Hope, Michele

Trueda said...


Thank you for posting an update.

Sherri and Richard, I'm sorry to hear the bt roller coaster is taking you for such a ride. My heart aches for you both. Richard, I pray the infection clears up quickly and that the upcoming surgery goes smoothly with a good recovery. Sherri, how I wish I were home and could come sit with you and give you a break to take care of yourself. Hang in there you guys. The sun will break through this darkness once again.

With much love and many hugs,

Trueda said...


I have taken the liberty of copying and pasting this update to the bt caregivers group so they can also be praying for you both.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Sherri and Richard, I just "knew" something was not right. My prayers go out to you and be with you during your upcoming surgery.

With much love and caring, Lisa A.

Suzie said...

Richard & Sherri,
I am saying prayers and holding you both in my heart through this. I love you both.

Anonymous said...

Los Angeles is sending some Love up to you both.

deb did it said...

PLEASE, DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW RICHARD IS DOING? with much love, care and concern, Deb in Texas