Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Full Pot of Relief!

Great news! Monday took us from a early morning MRI to a afternoon appointment with Dr. Foltz. He greeted us with congratulations, and showed us the last two MRI Images, Mondays, and the last one done 6 weeks ago side by side. Mondays Image showed "NOTHING!! Dr. Foltz marched into the room and whizzed through the newest image saying "There is nothing there! No sign of tumor" He explained that the seizure was related to the past trauma, radiation, and chemo that my brain has endured over the past year. We celebrated tonight with a pot of Remedy Relief tea and My Dad's Carrot cake. I an restricted by law because of the seizure from driving for 6 months! And will be taking Keppra, a anti-seizure med indefinitely.

I do want to thank everyone for the support given during this last horrible and scary episode in this journey. Our refrigerator and freezer has swollen with wonderful food which helps sooo much with all the company here.

My Love to ALL!



Anonymous said...

Richard and Sherri,
I breathed a big sigh of relief for you and am sooooo happy for you!!!! You have a great circle of friends, including me even if I haven't yet had the honor to meet you. Sherri has found a gem in you, Richard and after our days in college and subsequent years, she truly is blessed to have someone like you in her life!!! Your "circle" will continue to be there if not in body but in spirit. I will say a special prayer in church for you on Sunday.
Rejoice in the fact that the tumor is GONE!!!!
Love, Lisa A.

Suzie said...

YEAH!!!! Prayers do work - I am so very happy and thankful!!!!!! That was absolutely the best news ever. Much love to you both.

Anonymous said...


what else can one say?!

well, there's yippee, way to go, happy-happy-joy-joy and oh thank god..

mostly i am just so happy to hear that i could squeal!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Richard!

Helen Campbell said...

John and I were delighted to hear your wonderful news! We are keeping you both continually in our thoughts and prayers.