Monday, May 12, 2008

Finally...a moment!!!

Richard is all tucked into his favorite chair watching the news...and I'm finally able to collect my thoughts a little bit. My fingers are having a hard time working because my hands, wrists and elbows are pretty sore from knitting non-stop for the last few days. I think I have to take a break from that activity for a while since arthritis hates repetitive movement when it is done in a compulsive, frantic way!!!! The knitting has been a wonderful activity for all the sitting I've been doing....I have to keep busy somehow.... I'm moving on to Soduko however!!!

We really are doing very well considering that my husband just had brain surgery and has six chemotherapy wafers in his head....oozing continual chemotherapy directly to his brain. He's on lots of medication....all aimed at keeping his brain as stable as possible.....things to help with swelling, things to help with pain, things to help control possible seizsure activity, things to help his stomach because of all the other things....Just keeping up with the medicine delivery has been a challenge for me but I think we are doing pretty good.

The hospital experience was amazing. I am so thankful for the support of my sister-in-law and my wonderful step-son Dana. I am also deeply touched by my two beautiful nephews, their wives and children who provided food, wonderful soothing tea and visits that were warm and sosososo lovely. And.......the delivery of the most beautiful cupcakes from Pam's friend Peggy....Oh my gosh that was sososo awesome!!!!! Those cupcakes were worth the extra shot of insulin I had to take!!!!

I continue to be in total awe of the doctors, nurses and other medical professionals that we were working with down at Swedish. Dr. Foltz, Richard's surgeon, is such a warm, loving man....while at the same time being a total genius. We have been so blessed in finding both him and Dr. Mayberg and their staffs. They are all amazing. Richard was tenderly cared for through the entire experience. A couple of times I caught myself tearing up when someone was particularly loving....well to be honest it happened all the time...... All of them were so wonderful.

I have to also comment here on my step-son, Dana. What a wonderful man!!! Prior to Richard's diagnosis Dana has always talked about his weak stomach regarding blood and hospitals. I have had the priviledge of watching this young man face his fears with such courage and grace. During both surgeries Dana has stood beside his Father and I through every scary step. He has been calm, loving, tender, funny, willing to do anything.....but most importantly he has been present with his Dad and with I during some very difficult conversations and procedures. I know how frightening this must be for him....but he is letting himself feel the pain, the fear, the sadness....and he has become one of my heros!!!! I can't thank him enough for being there during the past few days.... He just left this afternoon to return to Seattle and his job....but I knew he was hesitating until the moment he got on the bus..... I promise Dana we will be O.K.......but we will miss you until next weekend!!!!

I am thankful to be home in our little house. We both love it here so much. We have created a haven here and it is the perfect place for Richard to heal.

Thank you everyone for sending your prayers and special thoughts. We felt every one of them.

Love Sherri


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you are settling in and now can begin to return to some normalcy.Just going through the routine of taking care of Richard during these first days must be comforting because you are home. They say we all heal better at home. I wish Richard a return to health and the family to an ease of routine.
Lisa A.

Anonymous said...

Sherri and Richard, I have to tell you how much I appreciated Richard's picture sporting his artistically stitched head. It looked so much like the ritualized tribal markings symbolic of a test of manhood in some African cultures. The lyrical curve seems to say, "Yes, I am a warrior, but I can also go with the flow." Heartfelt prayers to you both.

Suzie said...

"There is no better place than home"
I was so happy to hear that the surgery went well - and now Richard can rest and heal. You both are so much in my heart and prayers - love you.

Anonymous said...

Sherri, so glad that you made a entry. I have been thinking and praying for you both nonstop. Cherish your home and time spent there. Richard, that is one incredible stitching job. Amazing! Hold eachother close, rest and heal.Feel the warmth of all the thoughts and prayers being sent your way. Have peace. Love Peace and Hope, Michele w/o John 46 yr AAIII New tumor in brainstem

Dana said...

Sherri and Dad, thank you for everything. You two are truly my heros and I am so proud and honored to be a part of your journey. Love you.


Anonymous said...

thank you sherri for posting.. i know it must sometimes be exhausting.... but it means so much to be able to read how you both are-- we here at mbcc check in often and share what we've read with each other-- speaking for the gang (presumptuous as it is) you are in our hearts and thoughts every day--

Anonymous said...

Sherri, I commented on Richard's entry and thought it only fair to write on yours as well...I spoke with Kevin directly after Richard called and he said he'll contact you all as soon as he has a spare moment...(he's on his way to Milan at the moment *grumble, grumble* Don't be surprised to either get ane email or call from Italy!!....So glad you are both HOME safe and sound....looking forward to a post birthday din with you all once Kevin gets home and you all are up to it!!! Love you both